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Links and Banner exchange

Who's linked to you?

Chat rooms


Newsgroups:-   Newsgroups, sometimes referred to collectively as Usenet, are discussion forums (or bulletin boards  where individuals post messages for others with similar interests to read and respond to (graphics and files can also be posted.) People from all walks of life are currently using the many thousands of newsgroups that cover a diverse variety of interests and topics, each newsgroup is used to discuss a particular topic or subject.

Some newsgroups are intended for discussions and some for announcements or queries, always be aware that the primary function of newsgroups is to disseminate information and not to market products.


A few years ago Newsgroups were THE place to market. Today there are now over 50,000 newsgroups, with an estimated 900,000 posts daily according to Deja News. You will find Newsgroups are not recommended as a marketing medium by the majority of affiliate etc. programs due to the large number of complaints regarding SPAM. I personally do not use Newsgroups for marketing and I do not recommend it. I have included information on newsgroups to complete the overall picture of Online marketing mediums only.


Posting a reply or starting a discussion is as easy as sending an email message. Click a button to post your reply or message, enter a description of the message, type the message itself, and click the Post or Send button. However, you do have a few choices on how to post your reply or message:


Post your reply or message publicly to have it appear in the list of messages, so all visitors of the newsgroup can read it.


Post your reply privately, by sending an email message to the person who posted the original message. This ensures that the person will receive your reply. Sometimes a person specifically requests that you reply via email.


Post your reply publicly and privately via email. This places your message in the newsgroup, so all visitors can read it, and sends a copy via email to the person who posted the original message.


The Internet provides some basic organizational conventions for the naming of newsgroups and here are some of the most common newsgroup categories:


COMP - computer related subjects

MISC - miscellaneous

REC - recreational topics, arts, sports, hobbies

SCI - scientific topics including medical

SOC - socially related subjects

TALK - general topics

NEWS - information about newsgroups

ALT - alternative subjects

BIZ - business subjects including advertisements


Obviously you would not be posting to all the above but only to a relevant category - e.g. BIZ, or others, remember your input or query must be relevant to the newsgroup. New Newsgroup categories are being continually created, so keep looking for new opportunities.


Newsgroups as a marketing tool. There are two different methods to utilize newsgroups in marketing and both are very effective as you can post basic advertisements or make contacts indirectly, however there is a need to be cautious when using newsgroups as most don't care too much for unsolicited ads (spamming)* and Netiquette* dictates that you post messages related to that particular newsgroup only. Post information to groups or join in discussions were you can provide valuable information about your product or business. This is where your signature file can be very effective as an ad and you can also respond directly to individuals who may show an interest in what you say.


Newsgroup Netiquette:* a set of informal rules intended to keep newsgroup discussions focused and relevant to the subject of the newsgroup. 


Spamming:*  or more correctly unsolicited commercial email, - If you are thinking of sending out an unsolicited bulk email,  a word of advice - don't!  Spam wastes other people's time, clogs mailboxes, and is a nuisance to Internet users. People that spam risk harming their integrity and are viewed by many to be unethical and unprofessional. 

The simplest method to avoid sending people spam is to make sure you've first asked them if you can communicate with them, or in many instances, you will have prior approval through joining the same mailing lists etc. There's an added bonus by doing this. If people ask to receive your email it probably indicates that the person is interested in your product - you have gained a pre-qualified prospect. 


Filters can be set up in your email program to automatically send spam or other unwanted email directly into your delete or trash folder. You can also block senders from sending you email if their email is unwanted or offensive.


Another type of annoying email is called the flame. A flame is an extremely negative email message that is usually in response to a breach of Internet etiquette that you may have unknowingly committed. Flames usually consist of just one message, and sometimes they will give you an insight into what you did wrong. 


The best policy if you are at the receiving end of spam is to report it to your provider, flame? - well...... just ignore it, otherwise you may end up in a war of words. Don't waste your time unless you find it particularly offensive.




Links and Banner Exchange: Banner advertising continues to be the most widely used form of advertising on the World Wide Web.


FACT# 1 - More than 85% of Web surfers use search engines to find what they are looking for on the Web! 


FACT# 2 - The average stay on a web is 26 seconds? 


FACT# 3 - Another fact is that many web surfers only use search engines to find a specific site for its links, they then follow the links from one site to another. 


Your  strategy - the more sites you can get linking to yours, the more chances of indirectly increasing your visitor numbers. If you intend to generate traffic to your site then a banner and a micro button are essential. There are many places that will host your banner or button. This is usually on a "one for one" basis although you will find find banner exchange rates will vary e.g." three for two"


You may also have to display buttons from other sites in exchange for services they may have provided to you (free graphics, page counters, site trackers). So, where do you get these if you don't know how to make them. You really only have two choices. The first is to use a computer generated button or banner, (some sites provide online editing features so you can create and customize your own banner/button online and drop it into your site when ready). Or if you don't have the skills or software to create your own you will need to have one made for you. There are many people who provide that service and ask simply that you put a link on your page in exchange.


Reciprocal Link Exchange is by far the most effective and economical method. When requesting a link from another  person, offer a link exchange in return. I have set up pages on some of my webs specifically for external links, they don't have to detract from your  web and can be tucked away from your main content separately. 


Free links pages are also available and can save you adding reciprocal links and banners to your actual web site - you simply access them by following a button link on your page.


Who's Linked to You?   software is available to track all the sites linked to you and to your competition. Extremely useful tool, particularly if you are running a link or banner exchange service. (software page 5)




Chatting it up on the Web:-  (text chat)  another resource for making yourself heard and interacting with people with like interests is to "chat" on the net. Internet chat allows you to "talk" with other people on the Internet by typing and sending messages back and forth using an Internet program connected to a chat server on the Internet. (Voice chat is available but is still very limited)


You can set up your own personal profile (optional) where you add personal details that you want to display publicly within the chat room, e.g. email address, age, interests etc.


The chat server serves as host, offering hundreds of chat rooms on hundreds of topics where people "meet" to chat on the Internet. As you type and send messages, your messages appear on  the screen of everyone logged into the chat room. As the other people type and send messages , they appear on your screen. You can also request to set up a private chat room where you can chat with an individual without a group reading your conversation.


Chat rooms are free and are becoming very popular on the Internet. However, don't bore people with a topic that no one is interested in, some visitors to chat rooms are bored teeny-boppers, others seeking people with like interests, chat is a great way to make contact with anyone around the world. 


If you identify with someone who shares your interests, strike up a conversation and once the ice is broken (this may take several chat sessions) get around to how you make a living on the Internet and ask if they are interested in making money on the web in a legitimate, well-paying business. Web chat does take time in establishing relationships, so if you are pushed for time it is not entirely recommended as a marketing tool. But in the same context, if you already have a contact through another source, you could both log into a chat room (ICQ  and MS Ichat are very popular) and discuss, real-time, your offer and answer any questions immediately. Internet chatting is more personal than other Internet forums and can be a lot of fun, once again, if you have the time.




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