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Search Engines/Directories

Meta Tags


Search Engines:-  FACT - More than 85% of Web surfers use search engines to find what they are looking for on the Web!  Another fact is that many web surfers only use search engines to find a specific site for its links, they then follow the links from one site to another. 


Understanding how search engines work: There are two basic kinds of search "engines":


Search engines regularly search the web and index everything they find, creating a comprehensive listing of sites. " Spiders", " robots " or  " crawlers " are computer software programs that conduct this task and automatically and constantly browse the Web searching for pages to index.


Search directories organize information about submitted sites into hierarchical listings or directories. Listings are manually edited by editors who qualify and categorize each site before they are listed in a directory. Both types of search engines maintain their listings in a proprietary database and when the search engine is used it looks in its database (not the Web) to find sites that match the search query.


Each search engine handles indexing differently, so where a page may appear high in a particular engine's listing , it may end up mid-range or low with others. Use Meta tags - keywords that relate to your site when listing with search engines, also list common words that frequently appear on, and apply to your site. 


Ensure that your page titles are relevant to your business wherever possible, not all search engines look at titles, but some do. Make your page title a heading with a brief description of the business, e.g. " Six Figure Income - your business opportunity. "Six Figure Income" will probably not appear on a search for a business opportunity but  "business opportunity " will. 


Use good relevant keywords and content in your pages as some search engines rank pages filled with relevant keywords higher than  pages not showing keywords or content related to the page .There are many software programs available on the web to analyze your search engine submission content and to give you a rating as to its relevance and performance before being submitted. 


How can your site rank higher in search engine placement ? 



include all the important Metatags key words on all pages, however, don't bastardize your carefully written content for the sake of including  metatag key words ten times per page, or more! Check the number of times that these keywords, including keywords from your heading, appear on all your pages, a minimum of three times on a page is good and no more than 7!


description and title tags should be included as a minimum, focusing on specific pages.



If you have pages that detract from the overall theme of your site, use a robot exclusion tag   <META NAME="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> within the opening <HEAD></HEAD>, to exclude search engines from visiting those pages.


Name your pages using key words. Instead of 'page2.html' use 'metatags' if your page is about meta tags.


If you utilize "Frames" (not recommended initially) in your site, be aware that many search engines cannot navigate through the framed section of your site, unless the frames are specifically prepared by an experienced webmaster. If you are using frames, ensure you include a detailed description of your business, products and services on your 'noframes' page.


Make sure you include a lot of descriptive content as this is the most important aspect for search engines and also for your visitors. Sites that are rich in content invariably fare much better than those with minimal text content. If you carefully design your site from day one and adhere to the basics it will ensure that your site will get good page rankings with most of the leading search engines.


Find your competitors from the top search engines and copy their TITLE, META keyword tags, and META description tags to your page. 


Add as many links as possible to the most popular sites. Some search engines use this criteria to rank your site. 


Use a different pattern and style of the keywords for each page of your site. 


Every single word in your META keyword tag must also appear in your content. 


Don't repeat keywords in the META keyword tag. This will decrease your ranking listing. 


Use your site name (eg billionet) as your last keyword. 


Include your most important keywords in your title. Best between 5 and 14 words. 


Begin each word in your keywords list with a capital letter. 


Do not place a space after the "," in your keyword strings 


Repeat your keywords as many times as possible in the first few lines of your page. But remember to use structured sentences. 


Use HEADER tags <H1> or <H2> and place your important keywords within these



Use title's in your HREF tags that utilize keywords. For example: <A
HREF="my_link" Title="some keywords here">More keywords as link text</A> (This will display the keywords on hover in IE.)


Put keywords in your image ALT tags. Search engines obviously can't read images, but if you have ALT text coded as keywords, they will.
For example: <IMG SRC="my_image" ALT="Some keywords here" border="0" height="10" width="120">


Try placing keywords in comment tags; these won't display but will be read by many search engines. For example: <!-- some keywords here -->


Try using variations on words, to gain more exposure. For example, if you're site is about cars, instead of always using "cars" as a keyword, try "automobile," "sedan" or "vehicle" etc.


Always use lower case letters for your page's Meta Tags. Search engines won't respond to keywords that have capital letters (upper case) if a search is entered in lower case. It does work the other way around, however, so the best practice is to use all lower case.


When submitting to important search engines, don't use mass submission but submit  manually, that way you're assured that you have submitted to them all. Submitting to leading Search engines and directories, however doesn't guarantee that your site will be accepted for listing.


Multiple gateway or portal pages are one of the best ways to get mass traffic to your website. Programs are available that allow you to create multiple gateway pages in a few seconds. What this means is that you can constantly resubmit your website to the search engines without being accused of spamming them as they will all have different URLS. This in effect will enhance your search engine ranking.


Free Metatag generators are also available, they analyze your site's header, content, key words and suggest a list of metatags. Just cut and paste the meta tags generated into your site  (see free metatags page).






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