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911 Hits   Free site promotion, free directory listing, opt-in email, search engine  submit, free FFA site

Advertise 8 Million times FREE at Free Traffic!  free sub-domain redirection service Free-For-All Links Network!! NEW!!! Get your own FREE Page No Frills FREE FFA Linkz Page - includes Email Marketing Message (can be edited) sent to EVERYONE that uses your page  - Your Own Self-Replicated FFA Links Page w/link to your homepage no other features included Cost: FREE Notify 200+ Submission Services of your new FFAlinkZ Page 

FFANET  Let me let you in on a secret about FFA pages. It is far better to host an FFA Page than post to it. Think about it. When you post to a free-for-all site, you get one line to describe your site mixed in with hundreds of other links. What is worse is that the majority of FFA sites are never seen by human eyes. In a effort to make better use of time most people like yourself are using submission software or services. All you end up with is a mailbox full of confirmation letters. You've probably already noticed that you're not getting anywhere with it. Put the Power of REVERSE MARKETING to work for you When you host an FFA page on the FFANET FFA network, you will receive hundreds of posts to your page per day. Every time someone posts a link to your page, your confirmation message is automatically sent to them. Unlike other FFA networks, FFANET requires people to validate their email before they can post. This means a special code is sent to their email along with instructions. If the person was planning on using an autoreponder or a fake email, he/she will never get the message. This method helps improve the chance of someone actually reading your message. The validation also only last for one week, which cuts down on the number of mailbox full messages you will receive. SOUNDS GREAT ! But what does it all cost? You can signup today for FREE! You heard me correctly, you can get started right now without having to spend a dime. You will instantly get your very own FFA page and your message will automatically start going out. You can also put one banner on your page. Get your site seen by thousands with one click! This is a very high-traffic page, so you may want to check back after a couple of days to re-post. You will receive an automated email from the page owner confirming your post. Get a customizable FFA page like this one totally free! Click here and get hundreds of hits to your site a day! Note: Posts to this page will remain at the top of the list much longer than automated entries, giving you much more exposure!     

HitTrafficker is a FREE system that will simply EXPLODE your website traffic! Best of all, it's 100% FREE! Follow these simple instructions and soon you'll have THOUSANDS of hits daily! Fill in the form on the right and click the Submit button. You MUST give your real email address as this is where further information will be sent (for example, how to check your stats and change your information). A page just like this one will be created for you on our server.  Your page will have the same links, only they'll be shifted down one place, leaving the top spot empty. Your link will be placed there. NOTE: the two bottom links, numbers 7 and 8, these don't get shifted down. These are our permanent links. You'll be given the address of your HitTrafficker page. Simply promote it as much as possible. Anyone who signs-up from your page will be issued with their own page with your link shifted down one place. Any sign-ups they get will also have your link, and so on. This is INCREDIBLY Powerful! Read the section below "How To Get 25,000 Hits A Day!!!" to fully understand the power of this system and exactly how it works. We've put together a list of traffic generation resources to help you promote your page. Click here to see it.  This Sweepstakes is a killer traffic builder! Just enter to get yours free! Just enter your email address - No obligation, No salesman will call! If YOU have the Winning Entry, an advertisement for your site will be exposed at least 25,000,000 (twentyfive million) times! Ads will be placed in ezines, banners, opt-in mail lists, and/or off-line publications. That'll spin your hit counter! No Web Site? NO PROBLEM! We'll throw in a free web biz, all set up! Enter now, and win instant prizes, too! Quick rules: MAXIMUM: 10 entries per day! Of course, we will not sell, give away, or otherwise divulge your address to anybody else. It will only be used to advise you of your entry status! No purchase required. No automated entries. Adult & hate sites not elegible. See entry confirmation email for info on complete rules and privacy policy. Tell Your Friends and get a chance to WIN 200 VISITORS To Your Web Site, INSTANTLY! Want to get your own Traffic Building Entry page free? All links and email point to your site! Just enter the Sweepstakes and watch your email for info!   Here's How You Make Money: Each user/visitor that requests a Free $20 Cash Keyword Credit or any of the Free Portal Services offered by through your Self-Replicating Marketing Website, are tracked with your unique Sponsor ID code. When the new member signs up under you and uses the bidding system for increasing traffic to their site by depositing money into their keyword account, you will make a percentage of the money that goes into their account based on a payout of 20%(first level) and 10% (second level). The new user will also get a FREE Self-Replicating Marketing Site that has their own sponsor ID code. So you will get credit for them on your first level (Tier 1-20% payout to you) and if they choose to become a portal sponsor, they can also Give Away $20 in Free Keyword Credits. Everyone that signs up directly under them will also go to you on your second level (Tier 2-10% payout to you). Sponsorship Happens Automatically :As a sponsor, we place a special "Rotating Banner" on our homepage "Offering The Free $20 Cash Keyword Credit" your special banner will be linked to your Self-Replicating Marketing Site! is a high-traffic search engine, so traffic and new sign-ups are made automatically, and easy!

Leading Edge   Banner ads are one of the most effective ways of keeping your image before the public. The effectiveness of Banner Advertising is readily demonstrated by the BIG money paid to be on heavy traffic sites. Entrepreneurs have known the value but unless they have an unlimited advertising budget it's been hard to get your banner displayed by others. The best way, UNTIL NOW, has been one of the many Banner Exchange programs. The problem with this, from the professional marketer's point of view, is that to get your banner displayed on someone else's site, you MUST display their banner for them. The last thing you want to do is display someone else's banner on your page and take a chance on losing a prospect that has not purchased from you. We at Leading Edge understand the power of Banners and we know how to get them before your prospects. Through in-depth study and analysis we have developed the best tools anywhere in Cyberspace, for getting your Banners viewed by a vast audience. No, we can't guarantee you that everyone who sees your ad is going to be a "click through" and go to the page you want them to view, but we can help you put your banner in more places than anyone. And the tools we provide you for displaying your Banners are FREE. The Leading Edge Banner Program allows you to distribute the following FREE Web Tools: FREE Classified Systems  - FREE Guest books  - FREE Autoresponders  - FREE Referral Systems - FREE LE Report Network Web Pages ****** When the FREE tools are distributed, your banner is displayed every time they are used. Many of our Banner Programmers are enjoying THOUSANDS of banner impressions each week after participating in the program for just a short while. Every Web Site Needs Our Tools Leading Edge Web Tools are extremely desirable for any serious web site operator because they CREATE TRAFFIC yet we allow you to give them away for FREE. All you need to do is provide a link to the FREE tools then whenever one is applied for it becomes another distribution outlet for more FREE tools. All these new web sites operating FREE Tools display your banners every time they are used. GUARANTEED displays of your banners.If you are satisfied you can give away FREE web tools that CREATE TRAFFIC then your banner impressions are GUARANTEED We have Banner Program participants who are enjoying THOUSANDS of banner impressions every week after being in our program just a short while. As we said earlier, don't confuse the Leading Edge Banner Program with a Banner Exchange Program. We don't ask you to run anyone else's banner to get yours displayed. Instead, you simply give away FREE web based tools to others. When anyone uses one of the many FREE web tools we provide a banner is displayed with the tool. If you are the one who gave the web tool away then it will be YOUR Banner that is displayed. And, of course, your banner links to the web page to which you want to drive traffic. Every person who uses the tool, on someone else's site, will see your banner and give you one more FREE exposure and opportunity to capture their attention. Without exposure you cannot create traffic, without traffic you cannot create income. Well you have just found a powerful way to gain exposure.

Linkscout is a High Performance Marketing Suite incorporating several of today's hottest marketing practices into one dynamic suite. Most ingenious is the Revolutionary Bid-For-Position search engine that drives the entire Linkscout System. First step to advertising on Linkscout is to sign up as a Partner to Create your Suite. Once you have a Suite, you may submit bids for keywords to advertise in the search engine. From there you may continue building your customizable Linkscout Suite, create a doorway, create click trackers. It is recommended to upgrade to Associate Membership to fully enjoy everything Linkscout has to offer. Bid-For-Placement: The Linkscout Bid-For-Placement program allows you, the advertiser, to position your website links high among search result listings. You bid on search terms (in points) relevant to your website(s) to get them displayed among the top of the list. The higher you bid, the higher they will be positioned. But you do not pay the amount you bid each time someone clicks your links... Instead Linkscout only deducts 1 point for each unique visit. Associates can add an unlimited amount of links and bid on unlimited keywords in the search engine. Banner Advertising: Associates may upload one banner for every website link they add to their suite! Linkscout also has a built in Banner Rotater on every page in your suite. Advertisers can select which banners to include in their banner rotation system... Linkscout will randomly select a banner from this list and advertise it upon the pages in their suite. There is absolutely no cost for displays, so no CPM. Linkscout only deducts 1 points from an advertisers account whenever someone clicks their banner and is taken to the advertised website. Affiliate Programs Advertising: Associates can build their own Affiliate Programs Directory right within their Linkscout Suite! Affiliate programs consists of: get paid to surf, get paid to read email, get paid to buy, get paid per click, get paid per sale, etc... Linkscout has a growing list of programs for members to choose from if they aren't participating in any. We have made it easy to build and maintain your directory with updated links and descriptions. It's simply a point and click effort!

Lucky 7 Network Get your own personalized web site without needing a computer. We help you move from the "offline" to the "online" world. Offline referral marketing is a way of moving the offline community, online 

My Link Site  Are you tired of trying to remember those long Url's all your programs have? Would you like one central location to list them at? NOW YOU CAN! You get everything below 100% FREE! list All Your Links and Offers From One Site! See A Site No HTML needed you supply the Links we do the rest! Update your Links & Offers as often as you want it's FREE and it's REALLY EASY! List all your Get Paid To Surf Programs FREE No HTML needed you supply your Member Name or Member ID to the Program and the site does the rest! Update your Get paid To Surf Program Links any time. Check all your program stats from one site. FREE Graphical Web Page You get a FREE Graphical Web Page that you can add Banners, Graphics and it even has a Web Page Wizard to help you build it or you can up load your own HTML. It will be Linked to your MyLinkSite web page Automatically! FREE Member Area In the member area you can add bookmarks to all your favorite sites, and even check all your web based e-mail. Now you can have all your links in one convenient location and save time! 100% FREE Advertising We advertise to drive THOUSANDS of visitors to MyLinkSite every week. All the traffic that we receive is sent to MyLinkSite members pages at Random. This insures that your Links and Offers will be seen and help to increase your sales! FREE Links In The Member Area We find all the best programs to help you increase revenue and then give you links to News, Weather, Shopping, Jokes, Chat, Stocks, And MUCH MUCH more! FREE Counter For Your Page Each page has a free counter on it that makes it easy to see how many people are visiting your site. We Are Adding New Features All The Time! We are adding new features to the site on a daily basis and you will get the benefit of all the new features and offers as they are added automatically! 

ResponseMaster(tm)  How Much Money Could You Make If 1000 People Clicked OnYour Autoresponder or Classified Ad Every Day? Can you imagine 1000 people a day requesting your autoresponder letter? If you're selling a product for $39.95 and you average a 2.5% response rate you would make 25 sales per day. You would pull in $998.75 a day, every day, automatically! With ResponseMaster(tm) it's incredibly easy. Incredibly fast. There is no other way to advertise like it. It's easy to sign up and all pages are hosted on our servers so there can be no cheating. Here's exactly how to get going now... Create your own ResponseMaster(tm) page with your ad in position #1 by filling out the easy form below. Get a banner and put it on your mainsite with a link to your personal ResponseMaster(tm) page. Your main goal is to get at least 10 people to sign up on your page. Which is veryeasy to do. As people sign up on your page, your ad moves over to position #2. When people sign up on their page your ad moves to position #3 and so on. The more people that sign up on your page the faster and wider your ad spreads! You can easily sign up 10 people with just a link on your home page. And 'they' can sign up 10 just as easily. The Internet makes it simple and incrediblyfast! What if everyone only signed up 10 people from their sites?......*You get 10 people - that's 10 sites with your ad in position #2. *They each sign up 10 which totals 100 sites with your ad in position #3. *Those 100 sign up 10 each and that's 1000 sites with your ad in position #4. *Those 1000 sign up 10 each and your ad is now seen on 10,000 sites in position #5. *Those 10,000 sign up 10 each and your ad is now seen on 100,000 sites in position #6. Some members will sign up a lot more than just 10! The truly shocking thing is that this really does work on the Internet. There is nothing to slow it down. You can put your link up one day and have 10 sign ups the next. It's so easy to join you could literally have 5000 sites or more carrying your ad within a couple months!  It's just that simple and it works better than any banner exchange will ever dream about! You will have 1000's of sites on the web showing your ad in no time. People love this concept and hundreds of thousands of sites will join ResponseMaster(tm) over the next few months. How many of them will have your ad on their page?   Why should you Join?


Earn money quickly and easily
Provide winning opportunities to your customers
Partner with an industry leader

What will you Earn?  
Register today and start earning money when you send users to For every unique contest entry made through your link, you will earn $.05! Everyone loves to win free stuff, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting everyone to enter. It will be the easiest money you have ever made!
How do you Join? If you have a personal website and want to earn money, go to the LinkShare Affiliate Sign-up Page   and register to become a affiliate.





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