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Goals and Objectives

Your greatest obstacle!

Decision Time

Strengths, weakness, opportunities & threats


Where you are today is the result of all the choices and actions that you have made in your life, where you will be tomorrow will be determined by your decisions today. Don't procrastinate, make a conscious decision to improve your life today!



"You can virtually guarantee your success in any business if you know who you are, what your customers want, where you are going, how you will get there, and what you will do once you arrive".


Before we go any further, ask yourself,  What do you really want to achieve?  


What are the goals and objectives that motivate you?


I believe the answer may be to achieve Freedom! We all have our own personal perspective and definition of what the word freedom means - so let's look at a few ?


financial freedom and security

time freedom

freedom of lifestyle

freedom from constraints to personal self-development

Freedom to enjoy life as it should be! and to spend more time with your loved ones, away from the demands of the 9 to 5 job where you may be unappreciated and paid for 40 hours for working 50 plus, away from financial worries, lack of job security, social demands and pressures and so on. 


Of course freedom of lifestyle generally requires money - unless you are contemplating living in a grass shack on the beach sucking on coconuts for the rest of your life! The amount of money needed depends entirely on your personal expectations, ambitions, desires and choice of lifestyle .


Who is going to help you achieve this? - you, your family and friends?


What  do you have to do to achieve your goal? (quit your day job? sell the car?, cut down on a few little luxuries?, commit yourself 110%?......)


Where are you going to achieve it?  (on the Net? at home? in your garage? at work?)


When  are you going to work your business ( part-time, full-time, at night? ) and also, when are you planning to reach your objective? (within 3 to 6 months? 12 months?) 


Why  are you doing this? Do you really want to fulfill the vision of a lifestyle of your choice? Regardless of the underlying reasons, it alls boils down to the simple fact that you want to improve the quality of your life.


How are you going to build and grow your business? what's the game plan for advertising, following up enquiries, building a web site etc? Do you have the time and the tools, skills and resources to achieve your objectives? 


Do you believe you have the courage and commitment, passion, patience, persistence and focus to achieve success? If you don't, then don't go any further. The first step to succeeding is Believing that you can succeed! Set your goals, aim high, and..... GO FOR IT!  - Onwards and upwards!     


Aim for Excellence! Don't spend your time experimenting with programs on an ad-hoc basis hoping that they will work for you, they probably won't! Your reward will be paid in nickels and dimes - you will need to have absolute commitment and dedicated time to make them succeed.

Online marketing is much like traditional business, it takes time, focus and consistent energy. 


Your greatest obstacle to succeeding in your own online business will only be yourself!

Fear and self-doubt will be greater hurdles to overcome than inexperience and lack of knowledge.


So, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of making a mistake? Afraid of making the wrong choice? Are you afraid that you may not be good enough? And what if the people around you laugh at your dreams, or don't support you? Is that enough for you to just give up?

And what happens if you do end up living your dreams? Are you afraid that once you get there then you'll have to live them? Meaning that what you've been talking about for so long will now come to fruition and you might not succeed?

Fear is the number one reason that people do not live their dreams. Fear holds us back, sometimes paralyzing us, and prevents us from moving forward. But, when you look back at your life, what do you want it to be about? Do you want to say, "I could have" or "I did"? The choice is yours, what words do you want to come out of your mouth?

So How Do You Move Past Your Fears And Live Your Dreams?   Follow 
These Easy Steps:

      Acknowledge That You Have Dreams:
I meet so many people who say that they don't have dreams or they can't remember what they are. You know what your dreams are, you really do. You've just pushed them down so deep that it might take some time to bring them to the surface again. Let them out, you are worth it.

      Write Down Your Dreams:
How can you live your dreams if you can't see what they are? Write them down. Don't judge your dreams or wonder "how?" Just do it! 

      Break Your Dreams Into Small Steps:
All accomplishments in life happen when you take the first step. It doesn't have to be a large one. It just has to get you moving. Small steps will get you to your dreams. Until, one day, you realize that you are there. 

      Face The Barriers That Are Keeping You From Living Your Dreams:
What's keeping you from living your dreams? Not enough money or time? Too many responsibilities? Look for ways to overcome this. There will always be a reason not to do something. It's up to you if you want to give into these reasons or not.

      Find People Who Will Support You:
They should be people who love you and will cheer you on as you move toward your dreams. Tell them how much you love and appreciate them. You do not want to live your dreams by yourself.

      Pat Yourself On The Back For Your Successes:

You deserve it! The fun part of living your dreams is the journey. It's the piece that builds character and the piece that you will remember the most.

     Recognize That Fear Will Not Go Away:
There are times when you will wonder if you have what it takes to fulfill your dreams or if you deserve to live them. Fear is a normal part of human nature. If you can accept that fear will occur during this process then you don't have to spend time worrying what you will do if you do get afraid because you will have this part handled. The only way past fear is through it and not around it. You can do it! Every success you enjoy, no matter how small, will lessen your self-doubt and fear.

So, feel the fear and live your dreams anyway! There are no guarantees, but the rewards are plentiful if you believe in yourself. No one is going to live your dreams for you. It's up to you to create your own life. Why not have that life filled with dreams. 

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself!"


Decision Time!    I guess there are a number of things you can do now:


contemplate your navel and watch the world go by

curse your parents for not being rich

keep doing what you have been doing

wait forever for the "right" opportunity to arrive

put it off until a "tomorrow", which may never come

wait for your pension check

jump into numerous "get rich" programs and get shafted

OR - do a critical analysis of some appealing, well-paid ventures and make a  conscious decision to go ahead!


  Fact #1:   95% of people in network marketing are part time

  Fact #2:   95% are NOT sales types and don’t want to learn

  Fact #3:   95% do NOT sponsor new members effectively.

  Fact #4:   99% of people who want to improve their income and who are prepared to work hard WILL use email and the Internet!

Most people have the desire to build a big income and are willing to work... but simply don't have the ability (or personality) to build it through face to face marketing!!!

Several things I strongly recommend:-

Be wary of the word FREE! Free is the most used and abused word in advertising and also the English language. I personally prefer " NO COST, NO OBLIGATION " to the word FREE! but still use it because it does apply in some instances. Nothing is free in this world, nope, no free lunches - even if you enroll in a "FREE" program is your business running at no cost? (do you have to pay rent or a mortgage for your home office, buy a computer, software, paper and cartridges for your printer, pay for your Internet connection and phone/modem line? Is your time "free"? Sure! most of us have to pay, but it is just the cost of doing business.) Okay, You can live with that because working from home you can keep your overheads down. BUT, there is nothing worse than signing up in a "free" money-making program only to find that the FREE part of the business opportunity only pays peanuts and to qualify or to increase your commission payout (as an example) you are required to upgrade to full member status or recruit xxx number of new members or affiliates etc.


Hey! -  don't despair, the Internet is just the same as any other marketplace, you will always find the good, the bad and the ugly. There are many genuine low or no-cost entry, well-paid  income-generating opportunities available. You just have to find them appraise them, make your choice and develop your business from there. This is one of the several objectives of my site, to provide a single source for you. In time you will learn to identify the scams, chain letters, hustlers, fast buck, no-value propositions that proliferate on the net.   


Don't get caught up in all the HYPE on the Internet, stay focused on one business initially or several if you can handle it. Don't make the mistake of joining myriads of opportunities because they sound too good to be true - wipe the dollar signs from your eyes and start small, select a business/s that pays well and build on that (I have included a guide on how to select genuine, profitable opportunities and have selectively included numerous lucrative businesses on the income opportunity pages). 


Ignore outrageous and ridiculous advertising claims:- you know the ones I mean - "I'll make you a millionaire in 12 months!" -  the ones that send a shiver down your spine and make the hackles rise on the back of your neck. This type of advertising is an insult to most people's intelligence.


When you're comfortable with your established business/s then progress to more projects. If you spread your time and other resources between too many commitments, none of them will get the justice that they deserve. How often have I heard the phrase " it was a lousy business opportunity" when in fact the program was great but just not being worked properly because the marketer was just involved in too many bizops and committed to none.


What's the difference between involvement and commitment? 


Commitment - a strong belief in an idea or system


Involvement - to be active in, interested in, or participating in something


Perhaps you can now see, you can be involved in many things but still not be totally committed to them.


A little tip: as you become more involved in your business you will start to view a lot of things a bit differently - the boring emails via autoreponders suddenly become a source of what others are doing to promote their business! The Web sites that you visit suddenly become a source of training and inspiration on Web design! Everything you see and view has some value - either how to do things better, or how not to work and promote your business. Don't discard anything until you have absorbed any benefits to you from it - everything has a value.


Carry a notebook and pen with you; write down ideas that may suddenly come to you - your flashes of "brilliance" and promotional genius will be forgotten otherwise. Look at them later and look at them objectively, use them if they're viable - discard them if they're not. Believe me, once you focus completely on your business you will be inspired and motivated by the most unlikely sources and places.


SWOT Analysis - at times it can be useful to do a critical appraisal of yourself and/or your business. Be realistic and don't pull any punches, otherwise you are not going to present the true picture and you'll only be kidding yourself! Do a bit of brainstorming and let your thoughts and ideas flow. Get a sheet of paper and divide it into four sections with the following headers:


Strengths - list all your (or your business) strong points, qualifications either formal or non-formal, skills, attributes and experience that you have. (all the positives)


Weaknesses - list areas where you feel you (or your business) are limited or need improvement or assistance - e.g. working capital, more knowledge of web design, slow PC, time constraints, product, pricing etc.  (all the negatives!)


Opportunities - show areas where you can see opportunities, e.g. a niche market for your product, your ability to write your own E-book or newsletter, new categories to advertise in, automated software to streamline your business and so on.


Threats - list concerns that can be perceived as a threat to you (or your business), such as limited capital, increased competition, product price increase, PC just about to pack it in, dramatic slump in sign-ups, increased advertising costs etc.


You now have a working document to build on:


Can you build on your strengths? probably, but maybe some of the above such as your weaknesses should rank a higher priority.


Analyze your weaknesses and target them for improvement, if you tackle them head-on and improve on them, can they be added to your strengths eventually?


Act on the opportunities to capitalize on them ASAP, make them a priority also


have a good look at the threats - are they immediate or long-term concerns? can you do anything about them? Should you seek out new business opportunities or ventures if your current one is flagging? 


Whatever the results, take the time to follow them through and perhaps when you revise your SWOT in the future you may see a dramatic change in your analysis results. Incorporate your SWOT analysis into your business plan.


As you build your business you will also be going through a learning curve, you will be surprised as to how much you will learn - new skills, techniques, creativity, you will also gain knowledge and experience as to what works - what doesn't in the online marketing arena. Your world will expand - you're in a global marketplace now!


Don't try to re-invent the wheel. Use tried and proven techniques and marketing practices initially and you will succeed. (of course, if you have an innovative idea that you think may work, try it by all means - but not at the expense of your business.) 


Listen only to people who are successful.... losers can't  teach you anything!





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